Carbon Watch

Rehabilitating degraded land using Bamboo Plantation

One of the most effective impact projects that can be undertaken, directly and indirectly contributing to 12 different SDGs. 

Unchecked human activities have led to massive land degradation which has a drastic effect on the environment and the community dependent on it.

Loss of soil, destruction of habitat and biodiversity, soil erosion, nutrient run-off, etc. have devastating effects on the environment and community.

Today, there are over a billion hectares of degraded land. At the current rate, we would have converted over 10% of all landmass on Earth's surface into degraded land by 2050. At the current rate, all the landmasses on Earth's surface would be converted into degraded land by 2050.

Cause and Consequence

Anthropological activities, directly and indirectly, have caused more than 80% of all land degradation. 

Soil contains over 1,500 Gt of carbon which is about 3 times the carbon found in the atmosphere. As the land degrades, some of this carbon escapes into the atmosphere making climate-change reversal efforts more difficult.  

Unsustainable farming practices and extreme weather events (caused by climate change) have been responsible for the majority of Land degradation across the world. 

By rehabilitating degraded lands, we can sequester an additional 30-60 tCOe emissions per hectare annually.

By rehabilitating all the degraded land worldwide, we have the potential to sequester nearly 6 billion tCOe, or over 15% of annual emissions.

Our little contribution? Our project aims to rehabilitate 1,500,000 hectares of degraded land in India by planting Bambusa Bamboos in the agroforestry model.

Why did we choose Bamboo?

Bamboo is characterized by its fast growth properties, producing optimal stocks of biomass within a span not exceeding five to eight years for most species. Being a fast-growing, high-density plant, it can remove GHG from the atmosphere as it grows, acting as an ideal carbon sink.

An INBAR study concludes that bamboo biomass and carbon sequestration could be 7-30% higher compared to other fast-growing wood species. The unique growing capacity makes bamboo a valuable sink for carbon storage. 

It is reported that the total carbon content comprises usually about 50% of the total biomass. Bambusa Bamboos is characterized by high biomass production; thus the resultant carbon content is also expected to be high.

Tree Name

Bambusa Bambos


24-32 Years


20-35 meters

Carbon sequestering below ground

(10-year Period)

367 tCO2e

Carbon sequestering above ground

(10-year Period)

183 tCO2e

Carbon sequestered annually per hectare

55 tCO2e

CarbonWatch's Project Size

1,500,000 Hectare

Expected Carbon sequestration from our programme (10-year Period)

500,000,000 tCO2e

Carbon Sequestering

We expect each tree to sequester nearly 200 kilograms of COe annually. This converts to 55 tCOe per hectare and nearly 75 million tCOe emissions being sequestered directly through our project.

Healing Degraded Lands

Bamboo has a unique ability to stitch and repair damaged soil and holds water making it ideal for rehabilitating degraded lands. 

Uplifting Marginalized Communities

By including socially marginalized communities, our project aims to equip them with skill sets, enabling them to take up jobs and reducing inequalities.

Economic Benefits

The project generates sustainable income for the stakeholders through the bamboo supply chain starting from the field all the way to converting them into a final end product. 

The farmers can also benefit from intercropping which can provide them with an additional source of revenue. 

Employment Opportunity

The project provides direct and indirect employment opportunities along the bamboo supply chain and the finished product.